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What is a brain injury

Traumatic Brain Injuries ( TBI), head injuries and brain damage are caused usually by car accidents or a violent trauma to the skull.

These are usually life changing and can be irreversible.

These are life changing not only for the victims but their friends and family as well.

The law surrounding brain injuries is often complex since these can be a life time injury requiring around the clock medical care.

If you or a loved one has a brain injury that you believe was caused by an accident or negligence call the Law Gang today and let us evaluate your case.


Compensation For Brain Injury Victims

It’s no surprise that victims with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) often have irreversible effects that last a life timer. There are countless ways in which a person’s life can be changed because of a brain injury.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, an estimated 5.3 million Americans with traumatic brain injuries are currently in need of lifelong help with their daily needs and activities.

The right attorney with experience handling brain injury can make sure you or your family member get the settlement they deserve and the settlement that will take care of the victim for the long term. Call the Law gang today and let us review your case.

Those include:

Medical bills – Likely the biggest expense in a brain injury case, medical bills and ongoing life-support services can easily reach into the millions of dollars.

Lost wages – Missed time from work or a permanent disability resulting in an inability to return to work — can be included in the damages package.

Loss of essential services – If your brain injury limits your ability to perform routine daily activities, you may be compensated for those services.

Pain and suffering – Headaches, paralysis, etc.may affect a person’s short and long-term enjoyment of life.

Loss of consortium- If you or a loved one has had their relationship affected by the brain injury, that may be included.

Out-of-pocket expenses- Brain injury cases may take years to complete, and out-of-pocket expenses can stack up fast.


Symptoms of a Brain Injury

While some symptoms are visible and noticeable for a brain injury, some are not.

Getting the right medical and attention band notifying medical professionals immediately can be the difference between recovery and lifelong terminal care.

Sometimes the invisible injuries to the brain can take a fews days to develop.

.These can be very serious and lead to permanent brain damage or limited capacity.


These include:

Diminished sense of smell, traste or hearing- these diminished senses can be a vital clue of a TBI and sometimes can be permanent

Dizziness or lack of balance-feeling like you got up too fast or can’t hold your balance on your feet

Stumbling over words/ slurred speech-this a major indicator of a problem-knowing the words in your head but not be able to get them out for example

Inability to perform fine motor functions- for example tying your shoes

Inability to focus-vertigo is and example of this

Unexplained Fatigue-extremely tired all the time for no reason

Chronic headaches and or neck pain- migraines are an example of this especially if you haven’t had them chronically before

Extreme mood swings, anger or sadness-these are for no reason , being angry for no apparent reason

Nausea-again a symptom that comes for no reason, unexplained nausea

If any or a few of these symptoms present themselves the oyu oro your loved one than seek medical attention immediately. The fast a traumatic Brain injury is diagnosed the faster treatment can begin.

Causes of Major Head Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injuries can be caused by many things such as slip and falls, industrial work accidents, falling from a high place like a roof, but the major cause of TBI is car accidents, including bicycle accidents, truck and motorcycle and finally pedestrian accidents.

Since TBI can last a lifetime, it is important to have a legal team that specializes in Traumatic Brain injury on your side call the experienced team at the Law Gang.

Challenges of proving Brain Injuries and Damages

Juries and Attorney don’t have any ideas what the victim was like before the accident or injury has occurred. Courts may rely on friends and family to paint a picture of what the victim was like before and what the victim is like now and the effect it has on them and their family and friends.

Additionally attorney may need to use expert witnesses to prove a traumatic brain injury, as they are not always visible

These expert witnesses are usually doctors since even MRI’s sometimes can’t detect a traumatic brain injury.

Neurologist-these doctors evaluate and treat brain injury victims and treat diseases of the spine, brain, muscles and nervous system

Neurophysiologist-a medical professional that works with nervous system disorders

Neurophysiologist-Combines psychology and neuroscience to study how the brain changes and are tied to behavior

Occupational therapist-helps victims to return to normal working behavior

Physical Therapist-helps victims regain physical function, including fine motor skills

Cognitive Therapist-helps victims relearn skills after a brain injury for example learning to speak again speech therapy

Life care planner-this person disease on a course of action for a long term care lpn to achieve maximum function throughout life.

Experienced Brain injury Attorneys

Many people are unaware of the legal ramifications of a traumatic brain injury.

This can include life long care for the patient.

Power of attorney, trust for lifelong medical care

And even laws regarding brain death and death of a victim of a TBI.

Navigating all those things can be daunting for a family of the victim of a traumatic brain injury. TBi can be challenging and expensive and take a lifetime of care. Having the right representation can make all the difference in gaining a settlement that is essential to the long term care of the victim.

Attorneys specializing in Traumatic Brain injury can navigate through the complicated maze of medical and legal battles ahead.

Calling expert witnesses, handling insurance claims and medical bills, setting long term care can be expensive and confusing, Secure a law firm with many years of experience in Traumatic Brain Injury can protect the rights of you and your injured family member Contact the Law Gang today,the number one TBI attorney.


Why Contact the Law Gang

The Law Gang has many office locations

We care, we are experienced in all accident types including, traumatic Brain Injury Accidents.

We at the Law Gang work for our clients , we will not just settle quickly we will work to get you the settlement you deserve.

We at the Law Gang wot be bullied by big insurance companies , with our years of experience we know how to deal with insurance companies.

The Law Gang has many positive review testimonials from previous clients on Facebook, Yelp and Google.

If you or a loved one has  been injured and has a traumatic brain injury get help right away and then call the Law Gang for a free consultation.


Pay no fees unless we settle your case

Is a loved one suffering from a  brain injury

If your loved is suffering from a traumatic brain injury than your number one priority should be to get them immediate medical attention. Seeking medical attention right away can lessen the likelihood of permanent brain damage.

Things to avoid when you or a loved one has a potential brain injury

Don ot participate in sports ,continuous blows to the head can severely aggravate THIs. For example football players are now suffering from CTE or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, this traumatic brain injury from continuous concussions over a period of time and usually can only be seen after death.

Avoid driving or operating any other equipment until the doctors have cleared you to do so

Make sure you contact a brain injury legal professional like the Law Gang to protect your rights and get you the settlement you need and deserve.