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Chandler Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents in Chandler, Arizona, often lead to serious injuries ranging from fractures to head trauma.

Recognizing these injuries can help you understand their impact and the necessary steps for recovery.

Common Injuries

Motorcycle accidents frequently cause broken bones. Arms, legs, and ribs are most at risk. These injuries usually need medical attention and sometimes surgery.

Head injuries are also common. Even with helmets, riders can suffer concussions or traumatic brain injuries. These can affect memory, coordination, and other brain functions.

Road rash happens when skin scrapes along the pavement. This can lead to painful wounds and infections if not treated properly.

Spinal injuries can occur, causing potential paralysis or chronic pain. These require long-term care and rehabilitation.

Being aware of these injuries helps in seeking the right medical and legal support after a motorcycle accident in Chandler, Arizona.


There are many reasons to hire a lawyer

Why Contact a Lawyer

If you’re injured in a car accident, you have a right to compensation, which is the primary purpose of insurance.

Unfortunately, getting the benefits you deserve can be complicated for regular people.

This is exactly why you need good legal representation that works for you. We can assist in all types of claims including:

Taking on insurance companies and their attorneys is a formidable challenge, highlighting the necessity of reaching out to the ‘Law Gang’ for assistance.

We’ll manage negotiations and handle insurance company interactions on your behalf.

Contact us today as we can be your Chandler Personal Injury Lawyer.

Causes and Prevention

Motorcycle accidents in Chandler, Arizona, occur due to various reasons. Understanding these causes and knowing how to prevent them can save lives.

Motorcycle accidents can happen for a variety of reasons

Common Causes

Many motorcycle accidents happen at intersections. Drivers often fail to see motorcycles because of blind spots or distractions.

Another cause is speeding, which reduces reaction time and control.

Poor road conditions also contribute. Potholes, debris, and worn-out roads can make riding dangerous. Weather conditions like rain can increase the risk of accidents.

Motorcyclists are at risk when drivers make sudden lane changes. Without signaling, these actions can cause collisions.

Additionally, motorcyclists who ride without proper training or experience are more likely to have accidents.

To prevent these accidents, always stay alert and visible. Follow speed limits and be cautious at intersections.

Regularly maintain your motorcycle and get proper training. Wearing protective gear, such as helmets and jackets, can also help reduce injuries.

Regardless of where your injury occurred, the Law Gang can help including the counties of:

  • Coconino
  • Gila

Representation and Compensation

Getting legal help can make it easier to get the money you need after a motorcycle accident.

It’s also useful to understand how contingency fees work and what kind of compensation is available.

Motorcycle accidents can happen anywhere from the big roads like the Maricopa Freeway or the Black Canyon Freeway to the side streets like:

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

A motorcycle accident lawyer is skilled in handling cases like yours. They know the local laws and can help you navigate the legal system.

With their experience, they will gather evidence, talk to witnesses, and negotiate with insurance companies.

This can improve your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. You also get to focus on recovering while they handle the difficult parts of the case.

Contingency Payments

Contingency payments mean you only pay your lawyer if you win your case. Instead of paying upfront, the lawyer takes a percentage of the settlement or court award.

This is helpful because you don’t need to worry about legal fees right away. The percentage usually ranges from 25% to 40%.

Make sure to discuss the exact terms with your lawyer to avoid surprises later.


Get compensation for your claim

Getting Compensation

You can claim various types of compensation after a motorcycle accident. These include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

To get compensation, you must prove that someone else was at fault. Your lawyer will help you collect evidence such as medical records and accident reports.

This can strengthen your case and improve your chances of a favorable outcome.

You might also receive compensation for property damage. This includes repairs to your motorcycle or replacement costs if it is totaled.

Navigating Legal Timeframes

Understanding the statute of limitations in Arizona is crucial for filing a claim after a motorcycle accident.

It’s also essential to gather evidence, including traffic camera footage, to strengthen your case.

About the Law Gang

Statute of Limitations

In Arizona, you have a limited time to file a lawsuit after a motorcycle accident. The statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years from the date of the accident.

If you miss this deadline, you may lose the right to seek compensation.

For property damage claims, the timeframe is also two years. It’s critical to act within this period, as gathering evidence and dealing with insurance can take time.

If a government vehicle is involved, special rules apply, and you might have just 180 days to file a claim against a public entity.

Obtaining Evidence

Gathering evidence promptly after a motorcycle accident can make or break your case. Photographs, witness statements, and medical records are essential pieces of evidence.

Traffic camera footage is particularly valuable. It provides an objective view of the accident, which can be crucial in disputes.

To obtain this footage, you may need to act quickly, as many cameras only store recordings for a short period.

Police reports and accident reconstructions are other critical forms of evidence. Ensure you collect all available data to support your claim effectively.

Having comprehensive evidence can significantly improve your chances of receiving fair compensation.

The Law Gang assists all cities in Arizona including:

Dealing with the Aftermath

After a motorcycle accident, you’ll need to manage insurance claims, medical bills, and possibly get a rental vehicle.

Each of these steps is crucial for your recovery and financial stability.

About the Law Gang

Interacting with Insurance Companies

When dealing with insurance companies, it’s essential to act quickly and honestly.

Report the accident as soon as possible, providing all necessary details. Insurance companies will ask for police reports, witness statements, and photos of the accident scene.

Keep records of every communication.

Avoid making any admission of fault. Speak to a motorcycle accident lawyer, who can guide you on what to say and do.

Settlement negotiations can be tricky, so having professional advice can ensure you receive fair compensation.

Addressing Medical Bills

Medical bills can pile up after an accident. Start by using your health insurance to cover immediate costs.

If you have medical payment coverage (MedPay) in your motorcycle insurance, use it to pay leftover expenses.

This will help reduce your out-of-pocket costs.

Keep all receipts and medical records organized. These documents are important when seeking compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance.

Legal help can ensure you get a fair settlement to cover all medical expenses.

Rental Cars

Getting a rental car after a motorcycle accident may be necessary. Check if your insurance policy covers rental fees.

If not, the at-fault party’s insurance might pay for a rental while your bike is being repaired.

Contact the insurance adjuster to confirm rental coverage. Make sure to document the duration of your rental use.

Renting a vehicle ensures you maintain your mobility while dealing with the accident’s aftermath.

Health and Emotional Well-being

Taking care of your health and dealing with emotions is vital after a motorcycle accident. Injuries often need medical attention, and feelings can be overwhelming.

Medical Treatment

After a motorcycle accident, seek medical attention immediately, even if injuries seem minor.

Some injuries, like internal bleeding or concussions, might not show symptoms right away.

Follow up with your primary care doctor. They can help track your healing and spot any long-term problems.

Physical therapy might be needed if you have muscle or joint injuries.

Document all treatments and keep medical records. These are important for insurance claims and any legal action.

Talk to your doctor about any pain or new symptoms. Early treatment can prevent further complications.

If you live in Chandler, AZ and are tired of looking “for a Chandler Motorcycle lawyer near me” then contact The Law Gang today.

Emotional Impact

After a motorcycle accident, it’s common to feel sad, angry, or stressed. You might have trouble sleeping, eating, or concentrating.

Consider talking to a therapist or counselor. They can help you deal with post-traumatic stress and anxiety.

Support groups can also provide comfort through shared experiences.

Don’t ignore your feelings. Bottling up emotions can make them worse over time. Friends and family can offer emotional support too.

Self-care activities like exercise, meditation, and hobbies can also improve your mood. Take it one day at a time, and don’t rush the healing process.

Understanding Road Safety

Knowing which roads are dangerous and why can help you stay safe. Certain roads in Chandler, Arizona are riskier for motorcyclists due to traffic patterns, intersections, and conditions.

About the Law Gang

Dangerous Roads for Motorcyclists

Chandler Boulevard: High traffic volume and multiple intersections make this road particularly dangerous. Be cautious at crossings and always watch for unpredictable drivers.

Arizona Avenue: Speeding is a common issue here. The road has several merging lanes and heavy traffic, increasing the risk of accidents. Keep a safe distance from other vehicles.

Ray Road: This road experiences many accidents due to its busy nature and frequent stops. Be mindful of stop-and-go traffic and keep an eye out for sudden vehicle movements.