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Chandler Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents in Chandler, Arizona, can lead to serious injuries and are often caused by specific factors.

Knowing the common injuries and causes is important to understand these accidents better.

Injuries from Truck Accidents

Truck accidents often result in severe injuries due to the sheer size and weight of trucks. Head injuries like concussions are common, and they can be life-threatening.

Neck and back injuries might include whiplash and herniated discs, causing long-term pain and discomfort.

Broken bones are frequent, especially in arms and legs. Internal injuries can involve organs, which might not show immediate symptoms but can be critical.

Cuts and bruises occur too, often requiring stitches or medical attention.


There are many reasons that cause truck accidents

Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents in Chandler often happen because of specific reasons.

Driver fatigue is a major cause; long hours on the road can lead to drowsy driving. Speeding is another issue, where drivers exceed safe speeds to meet deadlines.

Impaired driving, whether due to drugs or alcohol, greatly increases accident risk. Poor vehicle maintenance can lead to mechanical failures like brake problems.

Finally, distracted driving, such as texting or eating while driving, is a significant contributor to accidents.

Why Hire a Lawyer

After a car accident, getting the compensation you deserve isn’t always straightforward.

Insurance is supposed to help, but many find it difficult to navigate the process alone.

This is exactly why you need good legal representation that works for you. We can assist in all types of claims including:

Battling insurance companies and their attorneys can be overwhelming, highlighting the need to call the ‘Law Gang’ for support.

We’ll handle the negotiation and interaction with insurers, allowing you to prioritize your recovery.

Contact us today if you need a Chandler personal injury attorney.


A lawyer will ensure that your rights are protected

Legal Considerations

When facing the aftermath of a truck accident, understanding your legal rights is crucial.

This includes knowing when to hire a lawyer, understanding contingency payments, and being aware of the statute of limitations in Arizona.

Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer

Hiring a lawyer can be vital after a truck accident. A lawyer can help you gather evidence, deal with insurance companies, and make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Look for a lawyer with experience in truck accidents, as they will understand the specific laws and regulations that apply.

A good truck accident lawyer will also know how to negotiate with trucking companies and their insurers.

This can be crucial, as these companies often have teams of lawyers working to protect their interests.

Having someone on your side can make a big difference in the outcome of your case.

Truck crashes can occur anywhere in Arizona and although many associate them with busy roads like Loop 303 or the Northern Parkway they most commonly happen on surface roads like:

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Contingency Payments

Many truck accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means you only pay if they win your case.

Typically, the lawyer will take a percentage of the settlement or court award. This is helpful if you are worried about upfront legal costs.

Contingency fees vary but usually range from 25% to 40% of the final amount awarded.

Make sure to discuss this with your lawyer and understand how much they will take. This way, there are no surprises later on.


Be sure to file a claim within the statute of limitations

Statute of Limitations

In Arizona, you have a limited time to file a lawsuit after a truck accident. This is known as the statute of limitations.

For personal injury claims, you generally have two years from the date of the accident. If you miss this deadline, you may lose your right to seek compensation.

There are some exceptions to this rule, such as if the accident involved a government vehicle.

In those cases, the timeframe may be shorter. It’s important to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible to understand the specific deadlines that apply to your case.

Post-Accident Procedures

After a truck accident in Chandler, Arizona, it’s crucial to know how to handle the aftermath.

Following the right steps ensures you receive compensation, deal effectively with insurance companies, and gather necessary evidence.

Compensation for Damages

To secure compensation, understand the full extent of your damages. This includes medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Keep detailed records of all expenses related to the accident. You may need to file a claim with the trucking company’s insurance or your own.

Consider hiring a truck accident lawyer to assist you. They can help navigate legal complexities and improve your chances of a successful claim.

Insurance Companies

When dealing with insurance companies, be cautious. Insurers aim to minimize payouts, so they might offer a low settlement.

Do not accept the first offer. Provide clear, documented proof of your damages.

It’s beneficial to communicate through your lawyer. They can negotiate on your behalf and ensure fair compensation.

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Collecting Evidence

Gathering evidence after a truck accident is crucial for your case. Start by taking photos of the scene, vehicle damage, and any visible injuries.

Get contact information from witnesses and a copy of the police report.

Maintain records of medical treatments and expenses. All these documents support your claim and strengthen your case.

Traffic Camera Footage

Traffic camera footage can be vital in proving fault in a truck accident. It provides an unbiased view of the incident.

Check if there were cameras near the accident site. Request the footage promptly, as it may be overwritten or lost over time.

Having this video can significantly support your case in negotiations or court.

The Law Gang assists all cities in Arizona including:

Recovery and Support

After a truck accident, addressing your medical needs, emotional health, and financial responsibilities is crucial for your recovery process.

Managing Medical Treatment

It’s important to follow up with your healthcare providers for ongoing medical care. Keep all appointments and ensure you follow the prescribed treatment plans.

If you need specialists, ask for referrals. You might require physical therapy, medications, or even surgery to heal properly.

Document all treatments you receive. Maintain records of your medical bills, prescriptions, and visits.

These can be useful later when seeking compensation. Communicate openly with your doctors about any pain or symptoms you experience to adjust your treatment plan as needed.

Regardless of where your injury occurred, the Law Gang can help including the counties of:

  • Pinal
  • Santa Cruz

Emotional Aftermath

Experiencing a truck accident can cause emotional distress. Feelings of sadness, anxiety, or anger are common.

You may benefit from speaking with a mental health professional. Therapists can help you process your emotions and develop coping strategies.

Support groups can also be a valuable resource. Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can provide comfort.

Don’t hesitate to lean on friends and family for emotional support. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as your physical recovery.

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Addressing Medical Bills

Truck accidents can lead to significant medical expenses. Understand your insurance coverage and what it entails.

You might need to contact your insurance company to get clarification on your policy details.

If your bills exceed your coverage, you may need to explore other options such as payment plans with medical providers.

Speaking with a lawyer can help you understand if you can claim compensation to cover these expenses.

Keeping detailed records of all your medical bills will support your claims for financial reimbursement.

If you live in Chandler, AZ and are tired of looking “for a Chandler truck accident lawyer near me” then contact The Law Gang today.

Practical Matters

After a truck accident, there are essential steps to take care of immediate needs and ensure your safety.

This includes securing a rental car and knowing which roads to avoid in Chandler, Arizona.

Securing a Rental Car

If your vehicle is undrivable after an accident, you may need a rental car.

It’s important to know your insurance policy or the at-fault driver’s policy might cover rental costs.

Contact your insurance company promptly to arrange a rental.

Car rental companies often require a credit card for the deposit and rental fees. Keep track of any extra charges and read the rental agreement carefully.

This ensures you avoid unexpected fees and comply with the terms.

Dangerous Roads in Chandler

Certain roads in Chandler, Arizona, are more prone to truck accidents. Being aware of these can help avoid future incidents. Three known dangerous roads include:

  • Loop 202: High traffic, especially during rush hour, increases risk.
  • Arizona Avenue: Frequent intersections and heavy commercial traffic create hazards.
  • Riggs Road: High speeds and limited lighting at night make this road dangerous.

By staying informed about hazardous areas and exercising caution, you can reduce the chances of another accident.