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Tempe Bus Accident Lawyer

Hiring a bus accident lawyer in Tempe, Arizona can help you navigate the legal process, from dealing with insurance companies to understanding local traffic laws.

An attorney can assist you in getting the compensation you deserve and provide expertise in handling complex legal issues.

It is quite important to reach out to a Tempe personal injury lawyer after a bus accident.  However it is just as important to get medical attention for your injuries.

Sometimes small issues can turn into something more significant and visiting an urgent care or hospital it also helps document what happened.

Bus Accident Lawyers

Navigating the aftermath of an accident can be confusing and challenging. Knowing when to seek medical care and how to communicate with insurance adjusters can be tough, especially when you’re still dealing with the shock.

Delayed injury symptoms can further complicate things. This is why having legal support is so important.

Usually, you have the option to file a claim and get compensation for your injuries, but understanding the average settlement amount can be difficult.

A knowledgeable attorney can give you an estimate and use this information to negotiate on your behalf.

Whether you’ve had a minor collision such as a rear end crash, a major semi-truck accident, or are facing anger due to an injury, contact our office.

Serving a variety of injury cases, the Law Gang can help to include those involving:

We can assist with your claim and represent you against the insurance company, making the process smoother while you focus on your recovery and maintaining your normal life.


Contingency payments are helpful to the client


Contingency Payments

One of the key reasons to hire a Tempe bus accident lawyer is the contingency payment structure. Contingency means you don’t pay upfront. The lawyer gets paid only if you win your case.

This makes hiring an attorney accessible to everyone, regardless of financial situation.

If you get compensation, a percentage of that amount usually goes to the lawyer. This setup motivates attorneys to work hard on your behalf because their payment depends on your case’s success.

Benefits of Contingency Payment:

  • No upfront costs
  • Lawyer motivated to win
  • Accessible legal representation for all

Local Traffic Laws

A Tempe bus accident lawyer understands local traffic laws and regulations. These laws can vary from state to state, and even from city to city. Having a lawyer with this specialized knowledge can make a big difference in your case.

Common local issues they understand:

  • School zone regulations
  • Public transportation rules
  • Local speed limits and red light laws

This expertise helps in building a strong case, as the lawyer can identify if any local laws were violated during your accident. This knowledge is crucial for proving negligence and securing compensation.

Complex Legal Issues

Bus accident cases often involve complex legal issues. You might have to deal with multiple parties, such as the city of Tempe, insurance companies, and other individuals involved in the accident.

Your lawyer can manage these intricate details. They gather evidence, such as traffic camera footage and witness statements, to build a strong case. This can be time-consuming and complicated without legal help.

Key tasks your lawyer handles:

  • Filing legal documents
  • Negotiating with insurance companies
  • Representing you in court

These tasks ensure that your case progresses smoothly and increases your chances of getting the compensation you deserve.


A lawyer can guide you to taking the right steps after an injury


Bus Accident Injuries

Bus accidents in Tempe can result in various types of injuries. Some of the most common injuries include broken bones, cuts and lacerations, and head injuries.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are a frequent result of bus accidents. The force of the collision can lead to fractures in arms, legs, ribs, and other parts of the body. Signs of a broken bone include severe pain, swelling, and inability to move the affected part.

Getting medical attention swiftly is crucial to ensure proper healing and avoid complications. If you suspect a broken bone, avoid moving the injured person and wait for medical professionals to assist.

Cuts and Lacerations

Cuts and lacerations occur during bus accidents when passengers come into contact with broken glass or sharp objects. These injuries can range from minor scrapes to deep wounds requiring stitches.

Deep cuts might also damage underlying tissues such as muscles and tendons. Immediate first aid involves cleaning the wound to prevent infection and covering it with a sterile bandage.

Seeking medical care promptly is essential to assess the injury’s severity and prevent further complications.

Head Injuries

Head injuries are serious and can range from mild concussions to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These injuries often result from a blow to the head during the accident.

Symptoms of head injuries include headaches, dizziness, confusion, and loss of consciousness.

Even if you feel fine after the accident, it’s important to see a doctor because some head injury symptoms might not appear immediately.

Immediate medical evaluation can help determine the severity of the injury and necessary treatment steps.

Causes of Bus Accidents

Bus accidents in Tempe, Arizona can result from various factors that put passengers and other road users at risk. Common causes include running red lights, distracted driving, and speeding.


Running red lights is a common cause for bus accidents



Running Red Lights

Running red lights is a significant cause of bus accidents in Tempe. When bus drivers rush through intersections, they potentially cause dangerous collisions.

Traffic signals exist to regulate traffic and protect drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. Ignoring these signals disrupts the flow and increases the risk of accidents.

Pedestrians can also be hit if a driver runs a red light as they cross the street. Other vehicles might not anticipate this action and may collide with the bus, leading to severe injuries.

Tempe’s busy intersections like those at Mill Avenue and University Drive are particularly prone to such risks.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving often leads to bus accidents in Tempe. Bus drivers may get distracted by various factors such as mobile phones, navigation systems, or even passengers.

Being constantly vigilant is crucial for bus drivers due to the number of lives in their hands.

Distractions like texting, adjusting the radio, or talking to passengers divert attention from the road. This split-second lapse can result in rear-end collisions or side crashes.

For instance, areas near Arizona State University see high pedestrian activity, making distractions especially dangerous.


Speeding is another critical factor in bus accidents. A bus’s large size and weight mean it needs more time and distance to stop safely. Speeding reduces reaction time and makes it harder to maneuver the vehicle in emergencies.

High-speed crashes can result in catastrophic damage and severe injuries. Roads like the US-60 and Loop 101 in Tempe are areas where speeding is common.

The added risk from speeding among buses jeopardizes not only the passengers but also other road users.

By being aware of these issues, you can better understand the risks and help promote safer driving habits to prevent bus accidents.


Roads with construction are usually more dangerous than others


Dangerous Roads

In Tempe, certain areas are more prone to bus accidents. Identifying these spots can help you stay safe and aware while traveling.

High-Risk Traffic Areas

Some roads and intersections in Tempe are known for higher accident rates. Rural Road and University Drive is a busy area with frequent traffic jams and accidents involving buses.

Apache Boulevard and Mill Avenue is another problematic spot. Heavy pedestrian traffic and numerous bus stops can create hazardous conditions.

Intersections like Broadway Road and McClintock Drive also pose risks due to high-speed limits and frequent bus traffic. Being cautious in these areas can reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Statistical Accident Data

Accident statistics show that certain roads are more dangerous. According to the Tempe Police Department, Rio Salado Parkway has a higher rate of bus accidents compared to other roads. Southern Avenue also ranks high on the list.

Tables or lists that show accident frequency for different intersections can be helpful. For example:

  • Rural Road and University Drive: 15 accidents in the last year
  • Apache Boulevard and Mill Avenue: 10 accidents in the last year

Knowing these statistics can help you avoid risky areas and make safer travel choices.

Legal Process and Compensation

Understanding the legal process and how to get compensation can help you after a bus accident in Tempe, Arizona.

This includes dealing with insurance companies, knowing the statute of limitations, covering medical bills, and the timeline of a lawsuit.

Bus accidents usually occur on side streets (not busy highways like Interstate 17) such as:

Dealing with Insurance Companies

After a bus accident, you must contact the insurance companies involved. This can include the bus company’s insurer, your own insurance, and any other drivers’ insurers. Be prepared to provide evidence, like pictures, videos, and police reports.

Keep detailed records of your communications, and never admit fault. Insurance companies often try to settle quickly, which might not cover your expenses.

A lawyer can help negotiate better offers and avoid lowball settlements.

Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations sets a time limit for filing a lawsuit. In Arizona, you generally have two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit.

If the bus is owned by a government entity, this period is usually shortened to 180 days.

Missing these deadlines means you can lose your chance to seek compensation. A lawyer can help ensure your case is filed on time and correctly.

About the Law Gang

Medical Bills

Medical bills can pile up quickly after a bus accident. Compensation can include emergency room visits, surgeries, medications, and ongoing treatments.

Keep all medical records and bills as proof of your expenses. A Tempe bus accident lawyer can help calculate the total cost of your medical care and pursue compensation.

They will also consider future medical needs, like long-term therapy and rehabilitation.

The Law Gang can service any city in Arizona (regardless of size) to include:

Bus Accident Lawsuits

The timeline for a bus accident lawsuit varies. Cases involving city buses can take longer because of the additional steps required when suing a government entity.

Most cases take several months to a few years. The investigation phase, discovery process, and any settlement negotiations all add time.

Having a skilled lawyer can help move the process along more efficiently and increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

The Law Gang provides legal services due to accidents within any location in Arizona.  These would include the counties:

  • Cochise
  • Pima
  • Navajo

Medical and Evidence Considerations

Getting medical treatment quickly after a bus accident and gathering evidence like traffic camera videos and police reports are critical steps.

Knowing where to turn and what to do can make a big difference in your recovery and legal case.

About the Law Gang

Prompt Medical Treatment

After a bus accident, seek medical attention immediately, even if injuries seem minor. Prompt treatment helps identify injuries early and provides documentation for your case.

Delaying care can worsen injuries and complicate your legal claim.

You might have injuries such as broken bones, cuts, or head trauma. A doctor can provide a thorough evaluation. Keep detailed records of your treatments, medications, and any doctor visits.

This information is vital if you need to prove the extent of your injuries later.

Local Hospital Locations

If you are in Tempe, Arizona, you have several options for receiving medical care. Here are a few local hospitals:

  • Banner Desert Medical Center: Known for comprehensive emergency services.
  • Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital: Offers ER and other medical services.
  • Chandler Regional Medical Center: Another nearby option with emergency care.

These hospitals have emergency departments ready to treat accident injuries. Knowing their locations can save time, especially in urgent situations.

Gathering Evidence for a Lawsuit

Evidence is crucial for proving fault and supporting your claim. Here are key types to collect:

  • Traffic Camera Footage: Often captures the accident and can show who was at fault.
  • Police Accident Reports: Provides an official account of the incident.
  • Photos and Videos: Take pictures of the scene, vehicle damage, and injuries.
  • Witness Statements: Collect contact information and statements from anyone who saw the accident.

This evidence can be gathered by yourself or by your lawyer. It strengthens your case and helps you get the compensation you deserve.

Don’t wait too long, as some evidence like traffic videos may be deleted after a certain period.

If you live in Tempe, AZ and are tired of looking “for a Tempe bus accident lawyer near me” then contact The Law Gang today.