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Gilbert Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Bicycle accidents in Gilbert, Arizona can result in various injuries and are often caused by specific actions or conditions.

Common Injuries

In bicycle accidents, you might suffer from bruises, cuts, and scrapes. These are minor injuries that usually heal on their own.

More serious injuries include broken bones and fractures, often needing medical attention.

Injuries to the head, like concussions and skull fractures, can be severe. Wearing a helmet can help protect against head injuries.

Sometimes, you might experience spinal cord injuries or nerve damage, which can lead to long-term effects.

Internal injuries, such as organ damage and internal bleeding, are less visible but require immediate medical care.

These injuries underline the importance of protective gear and cautious riding.

Wearing protective gear can help lessen injuries after an bicycle crash

Common Causes

Bicycle accidents often happen due to cars not seeing bicycles. This happens at intersections or busy roads.

Running red lights or stop signs can lead to collisions. Cyclists riding against traffic can also cause accidents, as drivers might not expect them.

Poor road conditions, like potholes and debris, can lead to crashes. Bad weather, such as rain or fog, reduces visibility and makes roads slippery.

Distracted riding, like using a phone while cycling, can cause accidents as well. Being aware of these causes can help you avoid potential accidents.

Why Contact the Law Gang

If you’re injured in a car accident, you have a right to compensation.

However, obtaining these benefits can be complicated without assistance, even though insurance is meant to cover such incidents.

This is exactly why you need good legal representation that works for you. We can assist in all types of claims including:

Facing off against insurance companies and their legal representatives is challenging, underscoring the importance of contacting the ‘Law Gang’ promptly.

We’ll take on negotiation and dealings with insurers so you can focus on your health.

Contact us today if you need a Gilbert personal injury lawyer.

Hire a lawyer for the best outcome in your case

Legal Considerations

When dealing with bicycle accidents in Gilbert, Arizona, understanding the legal aspects, such as hiring a lawyer, knowing about contingency payments, and being aware of the statute of limitations, is crucial.

Why Hire a Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Hiring a bicycle accident lawyer can help protect your rights.

Lawyers specialize in gathering evidence, dealing with insurance companies, and helping you get fair compensation.

They understand local laws and can handle complex paperwork. This can save you time and stress.

In serious cases, a lawyer can take your case to court. They can also help assess the true value of your claim, considering future expenses and damages.

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Contingency Payments

Contingency payments mean that you pay your lawyer only if you win your case. This is helpful because upfront payments aren’t needed.

Typically, the lawyer will take a percentage of the final settlement or award. This setup motivates lawyers to work hard for your win.

It’s a low-risk way to get legal help, especially if finances are a concern.

Contingency payments make hiring a lawyer much less risky

Statute of Limitations

In Arizona, there is a limited time to file a lawsuit after a bicycle accident.

The statute of limitations for personal injury claims is generally two years from the date of the accident.

If you miss this deadline, you might lose your right to seek compensation. Exceptions might apply, so consult a lawyer to understand specific circumstances.

Always act quickly to preserve your legal rights.

Regardless of where your injury occurred, the Law Gang can help including the counties of:

Compensation and Expenses

After a bicycle accident, it’s important to know how you can receive compensation for damages, manage medical bills, and understand your options for a rental car.

Getting Compensation

You may be entitled to compensation for various damages. These include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage.

Gather evidence such as medical records, police reports, and witness statements. Keep all receipts and documentation related to the accident.

File a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance. Sometimes you might need to negotiate or even go to court to get a fair settlement.

The Law Gang assists all cities in Arizona including:

Medical Bills Afterwards 

Medical bills can pile up quickly after a bicycle accident.

Health insurance should cover part of your medical expenses. If the other party’s insurance accepts fault, they may cover your bills.

Sometimes, your auto insurance can also help. Arizona follows a fault-based system, so keep communication open with insurers to discuss your coverage options.


Medical bills can be quite costly after an injury


Rental Cars

Is it Possible to Get a Rental Car After an Accident?

Even though your bicycle was damaged, you still need to get around.  Walking may not be a feasible solution if you need to travel long distances. So you might need a car for transportation.

Insurance policies can cover rental cars depending on the situation. Your auto insurance or the at-fault party’s insurance likely has a rental car clause.

Check your policy and talk to your insurance agent. They will guide you on your eligibility and how to file for a rental car claim.

The process typically involves submitting documentation and possibly paying a deposit.

If you live in Gilbert, AZ and are tired of looking “for a Gilbert Bicycle lawyer near me” then contact The Law Gang today.

Evidence and Insurance

Gathering strong evidence and handling insurance claims effectively are critical steps after a bicycle accident.

Properly documented evidence can support your case, and understanding how to deal with insurance companies ensures you get a fair settlement.

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Dealing with Insurance

Dealing with insurance companies can be tricky. First, notify them of the accident promptly. Prepare to answer questions about the accident.

This is where having a lawyer who is looking out for your best interest on hand can be quite important.

Keep your answers simple and stick to the facts.

Avoid admitting fault or making statements about your condition without medical proof. Insurers might try to minimize your claim.

Sometimes, they offer settlements quickly but might not cover all expenses.

Consulting a lawyer can help here. They can negotiate firmly on your behalf.

Getting Evidence

Gathering evidence is crucial. Right after the accident, if you’re able, take photos of the accident scene.

Capture the positions of the bicycle, any vehicles, and visible damages or injuries.

Get contact details of witnesses. Their accounts can be very valuable.  Sometimes it can be hard to track down a witness immediately after an accident.

Usually the victim is flustered or severely hurt but obtaining contact information from people on the scene can help you later on.

Collect police reports as well.

This official document records details and helps establish the facts. Medical records showing your injuries also support your compensation claim.

Importance of Camera Footage

Traffic camera footage can be a powerful piece of evidence. It provides an unbiased view of the accident.

This footage can show the actions of drivers and cyclists, helping clarify who was at fault.

Contact local authorities or businesses near the accident scene to see if cameras were present.

Obtaining this footage quickly is essential, as some cameras overwrite data after a short period.

Your lawyer can assist in acquiring this footage, ensuring its preservation for your case.

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Gilbert’s Roads

Staying safe while biking in Gilbert, Arizona, requires knowing the risky areas and understanding the emotional impacts of accidents.

3 Dangerous Roads for Bicycle Accidents

Some roads in Gilbert are particularly hazardous for bicyclists due to traffic volume, speed limits, and road conditions:

  1. Baseline Road: High traffic and narrow bike lanes make this road dangerous. There are also frequent intersections where accidents can occur.
  2. Val Vista Drive: Known for its heavy traffic and multiple lanes, this road can be overwhelming for cyclists. The fast-moving vehicles add to the risk.
  3. Guadalupe Road: This busy road has many commercial areas, leading to frequent stops and starts by cars. Cyclists must be vigilant to avoid sudden car movements.

Bicycle accidents aren’t as common on busy highways like the Prince Freeway or State Route 143 but more commonly occur on surface roads like:

Emotional Impact

Experiencing a bicycle crash can leave you feeling sad, angry, or even hopeless.

After a crash, it’s very common to feel upset. You might feel angry at the driver or sad about your injuries. These emotions are natural.

It helps to talk to friends, family, or a therapist about your feelings. Sharing your experience can reduce feelings of isolation and stress.

Remember, taking care of your mental health is just as important as healing your physical injuries.