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Yuma Bus Accident Lawyer

If you were the victim of a bus accident in Yuma then hiring a lawyer can be crucial for navigating the legal complexities and obtaining compensation.

Lawyers in this field work primarily on contingency fees, which means you don’t have to pay unless you win the case.  A Yuma personal injury lawyer will work for you.

Aside from reaching out to an attorney it is also very important to get your injuries looked at by a medical provider.

Bus Accident Lawyers

The confusion following an accident can be significant. Deciding when to seek medical treatment and how to handle discussions with insurance adjusters can be challenging, especially if you’re still processing the event.

Sometimes symptoms of injuries can be delayed, adding to the uncertainty. This is why legal assistance is crucial.

After an accident, you generally have the right to file a claim and pursue compensation but determining the average settlement value can be tough.

A skilled lawyer can provide an estimate and use this information to negotiate effectively. Whether your accident involved a:

Let our office help. We can manage your claim and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, allowing you to focus on recovery and your everyday life.

Hiring a lawyer can help you save time in your everyday life

Contingency Payments

A contingency payment structure means your lawyer only gets paid if you win your case. You don’t need to worry about upfront fees.

Typically, the lawyer will take a percentage of the settlement or award. This ensures they are motivated to get the best outcome for you.

Contingency fees vary but are usually about 33% of the settlement. Sometimes it can be higher if the case goes to trial.

This setup is helpful if you can’t afford to pay a lawyer upfront. It also aligns the lawyer’s interests with yours.

Most bus accident lawyers in Yuma use this system. This makes legal help accessible to people regardless of their financial situation.

Make sure to discuss the fee structure in detail during your first meeting with a prospective lawyer.

The Law Gang services all cities and towns in AZ to include:

Bus Accident Injuries

Bus accidents can result in various types of injuries. Common injuries include broken bones, lacerations, head injuries, and trauma.

Knowing about these specific injuries helps you understand what to look for and how to handle potential medical issues.


Knowledge about injuries can help you heal up faster

Broken Bones

Broken bones are frequent in bus accidents. People might break arms, legs, or ribs because of the force during a collision.

Sometimes, bones can be fractured, making it important to get medical attention quickly.

Lacerations, or deep cuts, often occur during an accident. Broken glass or sharp objects inside the bus can cause these injuries.

Cuts can lead to significant blood loss or infection if not treated quickly.

Head Injuries

Head injuries can range from mild concussions to severe brain trauma.

When a bus stops suddenly or crashes, passengers might hit their heads on seats, windows, or other parts of the bus.

Even if someone feels fine, it’s essential to get a medical check-up.

Trauma also includes emotional and psychological effects. Being in a severe accident can lead to anxiety, stress, or PTSD.

Seeking both physical and mental health support is important for recovery.

Bus accidents usually occur on side streets (not busy highways like Interstate 17) such as:

Causes of Bus Accidents

Bus accidents in Yuma, Arizona, often stem from specific causes such as running red lights, distracted driving, and speeding.

Understanding these factors can help prevent future accidents.


There are numerous causes for bus accidents in Yuma

Running Red Lights

Running red lights is a common cause of bus accidents. Bus drivers may run red lights due to tight schedules or impatience.

This risky action can lead to severe accidents, especially at busy intersections.

Even if drivers think they can make it, they might misjudge the timing, causing collisions with other vehicles and pedestrians.

Intersections with heavy traffic are particularly dangerous when drivers don’t obey traffic signals.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving happens when drivers lose focus on the road. This can be due to cell phone use, eating, talking to passengers, or adjusting the radio.

When bus drivers get distracted, they might miss important visual cues like stop signs or other vehicles slowing down.

In the split second it takes to glance away, the risk of an accident increases significantly.

Passengers on the bus and other road users can be severely impacted.


Speeding is another leading cause of bus accidents. Buses have longer stopping distances and are harder to control at high speeds.

Drivers may speed to stay on schedule or due to overconfidence in their driving abilities. Speeding reduces the time available to react to sudden changes in traffic conditions, like an unexpected stop or a car merging.

As a result, accidents can become more severe, causing more damage and injuries.

Dangerous Roads

Several roads and intersections in Yuma, Arizona are known to be hazardous. 16th Street and Pacific Avenue has a high accident rate.

The intersection is busy with lots of traffic, making it dangerous.

4th Avenue and 24th Street is another risky area. This junction sees frequent accidents due to heavy congestion and fast drivers.

Interstate 8 (I-8) sees many accidents, especially near the 16th Street exit. Speeding and merging traffic often cause crashes.

24th Street and Avenue B can be tricky due to its complex layout.

Police reports show frequent accidents at 8th Street and Castle Dome Avenue.

Driving with caution on these roads and intersections can help reduce accidents. Arizona has a lot of dangerous intersections in general.


Dealing with the insurance company can be difficult

Dealing with Insurance

Understanding how to seek compensation and navigate insurance claims after a bus accident in Yuma is crucial.

Key aspects include navigating Yuma’s legalities, collecting evidence, and knowing Arizona’s statute of limitations.

Navigating Legalities

Filing a claim against the city involves specific procedures. Start by notifying the city within 180 days of the accident.

This notice should include details such as your name, address, and description of the accident.

You may need to fill out specific forms or adhere to regulations. Contact the city attorney’s office or your lawyer for precise information.

Be prepared for a response that may include a settlement offer or a denial of your claim.

Collecting Evidence

Evidence is key. Gather traffic camera footage, which can be requested from city authorities. Take photos of the accident scene, the bus, and any visible injuries.

Obtain the police accident report, which contains vital details about the accident and initial findings. Contact witnesses and ask for their statements.

Written testimonies can strengthen your case.

About the Law Gang

Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Arizona is generally two years from the date of the accident. Missing this deadline can prevent you from filing a lawsuit.

Certain circumstances, such as if the injured person is a minor, could extend this period.

Ensure you consult a lawyer to understand the exact deadlines and associated legalities. The clock starts ticking right after the accident, so act promptly.

Legal Support 

After a bus accident in Yuma, it’s important to seek immediate medical care and understand the ways a lawyer can help with your medical bills.

The Law Gang provides services in any location within the state of Arizona.  These would include the following counties:

  • Cochise
  • Yavapai
  • Greenlee

Immediate Treatments

Getting medical attention right away is crucial. Even if you don’t feel hurt, some injuries might not show symptoms immediately.

A doctor can identify and treat these hidden injuries. Make sure to document all your treatments as this information can be used later in legal proceedings.

Don’t forget to follow the doctor’s orders. This includes taking prescribed medications and attending follow-up appointments.

It’s also important to retain all medical records, as they are invaluable for your case.

About the Law Gang

Local Hospitals

Knowing where to go in an emergency is vital. In Yuma, you have several options for medical care. Yuma Regional Medical Center is one of the main hospitals.

It’s located at 2400 S. Avenue A, Yuma, AZ 85364 and provides comprehensive emergency services.

Other healthcare facilities include Yuma District Hospital, and various urgent care centers like NextCare Urgent Care.

Having these locations in mind ensures you get the timely care you need after an accident.

About the Law Gang

Lawyer’s Assistance

Medical bills can pile up quickly after a bus accident. A lawyer can help you navigate these expenses.

They can negotiate with medical providers and insurance companies to reduce your out-of-pocket costs. This makes handling the financial strain a bit easier.

Your lawyer can also help file claims against the responsible parties. This includes gathering evidence and dealing with any city or state agencies involved.

By managing legal complexities, your lawyer allows you to focus more on your recovery and less on financial concerns.

If you live in Yuma, AZ and are tired of looking “for a Yuma bus accident lawyer near me” then contact The Law Gang today.