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Gilbert Slip And Fall Accident Lawyer

In Gilbert, Arizona, slip and fall accidents can result in serious injuries. Various common causes can lead to these incidents.

Slip & falls are quite common and can happen just about anywhere whether it be a sporting event, Home Depot store, Farmer’s Market or a department store. 

Common Injuries 

Slip and fall accidents often cause injuries like broken bones and sprains. Wrists, ankles, and hips are commonly affected.

These injuries might seem minor at first, but they can worsen over time.

Head injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), are other possible outcomes.

These types of injuries can impact memory, balance, and cognitive function.

Cuts and bruises are also frequent. While they may heal quickly, some cuts might require stitches.

Common Causes

Wet floors are a major cause. Spills, leaks, or recently mopped floors create slip hazards. In businesses, proper signage should warn you of these risks.

Cluttered walkways and poor lighting are also significant factors. Tripping over objects or not seeing obstacles can easily lead to falls.

Uneven surfaces, like cracked sidewalks or loose floor tiles, are common in both private and public areas.

These uneven areas make it easy for you to lose balance and trip.

Careful attention to these issues can potentially prevent many slip and fall accidents.


There are lots of reasons why people slip and fall

Why Call a Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you deserve compensation. That’s what insurance is for. However, obtaining the benefits you deserve can be difficult for the average person.

This is exactly why you need good legal representation that works for you. We can assist in all types of claims including:

Facing insurance companies and their attorneys requires expertise, underlining the importance of reaching out to the ‘Law Gang’ for assistance.

We’ll manage negotiations and deal with insurers so you can focus on healing.

Reach out if you are in need of a Gilbert personal injury lawyer.

Legal Guidance

Getting legal help is crucial after a slip and fall accident. You need to understand why hiring a lawyer can benefit you, what contingency payments mean, and the time limits for filing a lawsuit in Arizona.

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Why Hire a Slip & Fall Accident Lawyer

A slip and fall lawyer can help you build a strong case. They know how to collect evidence and talk to witnesses. Lawyers can negotiate with insurance companies to get you fair compensation.

They also understand the legal process and can represent you in court if needed.

An experienced lawyer can identify if property owners were negligent. They can prove that unsafe conditions led to your accident.

Legal expertise increases your chances of winning your case and getting the compensation you deserve.


Hiring a lawyer ensures you have someone looking out for you

Contingency Payments

Many slip and fall lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means you don’t pay any upfront fees. Instead, your lawyer gets paid a percentage of your settlement or court award.

This can be around 25% to 40%.

Using a contingency fee arrangement makes legal services accessible. You won’t have to worry about paying unless you win.

This motivates your lawyer to work hard on your case. Always discuss the fee structure with your lawyer before signing an agreement.

The Law Gang assists all cities in Arizona including:

Statute of Limitations

In Arizona, you have a limited time to file a lawsuit for a slip and fall injury. The statute of limitations is two years from the date of the accident.

If you miss this deadline, you might lose the right to seek compensation.

This time limit is important because it affects your ability to gather evidence. Memories fade, and evidence can be lost.

Acting quickly helps ensure that your case is as strong as possible. Reach out to a lawyer soon after your accident to protect your rights.


Be sure to file a claim within the statute of limitations

Compensation and Costs

Understanding compensation and costs related to a slip and fall accident is key to ensuring you’re covered.

This includes getting compensation for your damages, handling medical bills, and managing medical treatment and rehabilitation.

Getting Compensation

You have the right to seek compensation if a slip and fall accident wasn’t your fault. This could cover medical expenses, lost wages, and even pain and suffering.

To get compensation, you need proof of the accident and your injuries. Collecting evidence like photos, witness statements, and medical records is important.

Speaking with a slip and fall lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and increase your chances of getting fair compensation.

Dealing with Medical Bills

Medical bills after a slip and fall can pile up quickly. These costs could include emergency room visits, follow-up doctor appointments, and physical therapy.

Even without insurance, you have options for managing these expenses.

Sometimes, your lawyer can negotiate with medical providers to reduce your bills. Some hospitals offer payment plans.

Keep all records of your medical expenses. Presenting these to your lawyer can help them build a stronger case for your compensation claim.

Medical Treatment and Rehabilitation

After a slip and fall accident, immediate and ongoing treatment is essential. You might need initial treatments like X-rays or surgeries and follow-up care such as physical therapy.

This helps you recover and documents your injuries, which is important for your compensation claim.

Your doctor may recommend a specific rehabilitation plan. Follow this plan closely. Keep track of all your medical visits and treatments.

These records can be crucial for your claim to cover the full extent of your medical needs.

By focusing on these aspects, you can navigate the financial and medical challenges that arise after a slip and fall accident, ensuring you’re compensated fairly and can recover without added stress.

Regardless of where your injury occurred, the Law Gang can help including the counties of:

  • Gila
  • Pinal

Identifying Risk Factors

Certain areas in Gilbert, Arizona, and specific types of businesses have higher risks for slip and fall accidents. Knowing these risk factors helps you stay vigilant and take necessary precautions.


Some areas are more dangerous than others for accidents

Dangerous Areas for Slip and Falls 

Parking Lots
Uneven surfaces, poor lighting, and weather conditions contribute to falls in parking lots. Cracks in the pavement or ice during winter can make walking hazardous.

Cracked or uneven sidewalks pose a significant hazard. Tree roots can lift sections of the sidewalk, making it easy to trip. Be cautious near construction sites where temporary pathways may be less stable.

Steps that are too narrow, lack handrails, or are poorly maintained are common danger zones. Wet or slippery steps are particularly risky, especially after rain or snow.

High-Risk Businesses for Accidents

Grocery Stores
Spilled liquids, cluttered aisles, and wet floors are common causes. Employees may not always clean spills immediately, making these spots particularly dangerous.

Greasy or wet floors in kitchens and dining areas create high slip risks. In busy times, servers may accidentally spill drinks or food, adding to the hazard.

Retail Stores
Clothing racks, boxes, and other items can clog walkways in retail environments. During sales or restocking, merchandise might be left on the floor, creating trip hazards.

By recognizing these risk factors, you can better navigate daily life and avoid potential accidents in these areas.

Procedures and Evidence

Acting quickly after a slip and fall accident can help you with insurance claims and legal actions.

It’s important to deal with the insurance company properly and gather strong evidence like traffic camera video footage.

Dealing with Insurance

First, inform the insurance company about the accident as soon as possible. Provide all the necessary details like the date, time, and location.

Be honest but avoid admitting fault or speculating about what caused the accident.

When the insurance adjuster contacts you, stick to the facts. They might try to get you to settle quickly for a low amount.

It’s often best to consult a lawyer before signing anything. If the insurance company denies your claim, a lawyer can help you appeal the decision.

Keep records of all communication with the insurance company. Write down who you spoke to, the date, and what was discussed. These records can be critical if there are any disputes later on.

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Getting Evidence

Traffic camera footage can be crucial in proving what happened during the accident. Contact local authorities to request video footage as soon as possible.

They may have footage from street cameras or cameras positioned on nearby buildings.

When making the request, be specific about the date and time of the accident. Sometimes, businesses near the accident scene might also have security footage.

Don’t hesitate to ask them for a copy.

Save any footage you obtain securely. Back it up in multiple locations to ensure you don’t lose this important evidence.

Videos can show factors like poor lighting, wet floors, or obstacles that played a role in your slip and fall accident.

If you live in Gilbert, AZ and are tired of looking “for a Gilbert Slip and fall lawyer near me” then contact The Law Gang today.

Emotional Impacts

Slip and fall accidents can lead to more than just physical injuries. They often cause significant emotional distress.

Feelings such as sadness, anger, and anxiety are common after these incidents. Here are specific emotional responses you may experience.

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Emotional Responses

You might feel sadness due to the sudden change in your daily routine and the inability to do regular activities. This feeling is natural and can be quite overwhelming.

Feeling angry is also common. Anger might be directed at yourself, the accident’s circumstances, or others you believe are responsible.

Anxiety can develop from worrying about your recovery, financial strain, or the possibility of another accident. This anxiety can make it hard to relax or focus on other things.

Loss of confidence often occurs when you feel vulnerable and less capable than before the accident. This can impact your self-esteem and overall sense of well-being. Getting professional help, talking to loved ones, and focusing on recovery can help mitigate these emotional impacts.